Perun MOSFET for Tokyo Marui Spec P90 Series AEG Gearboxes
Revolutionize your weapon with the Perun MOSFET, exclusively at Airsoft Megastore! This ultra-compact marvel enhances your gameplay with adjustable trigger sensitivity, programmable firing modes, and active braking for precise shot management. Enjoy improved trigger response with the precocking function and elevate your semi-auto rate of fire with the binary trigger. Experience realism with the rate of fire reduction mode. The MOSFET protects your lithium battery packs with a low battery voltage alarm. Compatibility spans Tokyo Marui and other P90 AEG rifles. With a built-in diagnostic system and electronic fuse for safety, Perun ensures optimal performance, making your airsoft encounters more immersive and exciting.
Disclaimer: Any and all airsoft upgrade parts purchased from Airsoft Megastore will be used/installed at owner's discretion. Actual performance results depend on quality of installation. For best results, please do all upgrades at a certified professional airsoft technician/shop.